Through many years of operation, with the trust and cooperation of customers, we have strongly developed and further expanded the business market to bring products to many customer partners in different regions of the organization. country. ACS . Mechatronics Company Limited – predecessor is ACS mechanical workshop was established with the following criteria in production:

– Quality products are manufactured on modern lines with high precision.

- Various models and types of products, creating favorable conditions for the choice of customers.

– With quality comparable to imported products but the price is many times cheaper, it is the best choice for groups, businesses and individuals.

- Many special incentives and promotions to attract the attention and cooperation of customers.

– Professional, fast and dedicated support when you need advice and cooperation.

With many years of experience specializing in manufacturing all kinds of mechanical products and mechanical components, we are almost affirming our brand in the domestic and international markets. With existing facilities, ACS . Mechatronics Company Limited firmly believe that will fully meet the needs and orders of partners, product distribution agents nationwide.

ACS . Mechatronics Company Limited specializes in processing and designing mechanical products according to samples or orders of partners, products available on the market with good quality products, suitable for many customers, diverse designs , rich and reasonably priced. Contact with ACS . Mechatronics Company Limited to have the best products, the lowest prices, and save costs for businesses.